Experience is Key to Customs Clearance
When it comes to dealing with the new customs requirements brought by BREXIT there is no substitute for experience in ensuring your consignment movements are transported without unforeseen issues.
New customs procedures following the UK’s departure from the EU can at first seem daunting. In reality, once understood, a lot of the new procedures can be straightforward. However, while straightforward, customs clearance procedures can present challenges for those unfamiliar with the processes, particularly in the unique time-sensitive and time-pressure world of moving fresh food produce and food logistics.
Few logistics operations are as demanding as food logistics
Few logistics operations are as demanding as food logistics. Shelf life and freshness are key and the clock is always ticking.
As specialists in temperature controlled logistics, we understand that temperature-sensitive consignments of perishable goods need to be handled carefully and transported efficiently to preserve freshness and integrity. To ensure the quality of service, we operate using our fully owned fleet and facilities offering a closed-loop service to customers.
We have taken the same approach when it comes to customs clearance. The HANNON Group has invested heavily in developing recruiting and training our own in-house customs teams to maintain the resilience of our services to ensure the supply chains of our customers continue to run smoothly.
Customs Clearance adds Increased Complexity to Food Logistics
New customs procedures following the UK’s departure from the EU are now an integral part of food logistics if you are moving goods to or from GB or from EU mainland through GB using the UK landbridge and the transit procedure.
Fresh food produce customs clearance involves an extra layer of complexity over and above, say, dry freight. Fresh food produce is typically either Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) or Products of Animal Origin (POAO) which require detailed documentation over and above simple Import Safety and Security Declaration (ENS), Pre-Boarding Notification (PBN), etc.
Familiarity is Key to Successful Customs Clearance
Understanding the procedures is one thing – completing the procedures accurately and efficiently under the time pressures involved in fresh produce and food logistics is a different ball-game.
Our experienced in-house Customs Administration Team deals with thousands of customs consignments and submissions every week. Our customs teams are specialists in ensuring fresh food consignments successfully navigate any customs requirements and move in and out of Ireland without a hitch.
Find out more about our In-house Customs Clearance Service.
HANNON Customs Clearance Service
- Imports – AIS (Ireland) / CDS (GB)
- Exports – AEP/AES (Ireland) / CHIEF / CDS (GB)
- Transit Guarantee held in IE, XI & GB
- Strong relationships with DAFM, DAERA & DEFRA
- Key contacts in Irish Revenue & HMRC
- Strong experience with Traces & CHED’s
- 3 trained teams in Ireland dealing with separate customs flows
- Internal compliance checks completed on a routine basis
- Ongoing training with HANNON Head of Legal & Compliance
- Strong process knowledge regarding Border Control Posts for RORO movements (over 75,000 ferry crossings per year)
Transport & Customs Clearance Combined
Combined with our fully-owned fleet and facilities, our Customs Clearance Service offers a seamless one-stop-shop for customs and transport. This vertical approach minimises both overhead and opportunity for breakdowns in communications or delays in paperwork.
Customs Only Service
Equally, we can provide a transport only service to those who wish do do their own customs paperwork or perhaps use a separate 3rd party customs agent to complete the necessary procedures.
Our team is happy to provide advice regarding customs so that you make the right choice to ensure your goods continue to move as smoothly as possible.
To talk to us about how our Customs Clearance Service could help your business.
Hannon Transport Customs Team
Tel: +44 (0) 2894 548099
HANNON Transport – Temperature Controlled Logistics – Ireland, UK & Europe
Our highly trained teams operate from bases in Northern Ireland, Rotterdam, Dublin & Paris. Specialising in deliveries of time-sensitive fresh produce within a fully traceable company-owned network.
We offer the Irish temperature controlled fresh food sectors daily full load (FTL) services with our refrigerated fleet covering all of mainland Europe. Groupage (LTL) service also available from as little as 1 pallet.

Benelux & northern France to Ireland
HANNON Transport can offer a reliable and cost-effective route for Irish soft fruit and berry importers and wholesalers doing business with suppliers in Netherlands.
Our highly experienced team has a long track record of delivering innovative, reliable, and scalable transport solutions. Whether it’s one pallet, a full load or a multi-load consignment we have the people and resources that can deliver for you.
Typically, we can collect your consignment from your supplier in the Netherlands by 2pm Day 1 and have it delivered to your premises in Ireland the next day.
Our fully in-house Customs Administration Team provide complete customs administration solutions to ensure products move cross-border without delays.
HANNON Transport
Temperature Controlled Logistics
Ireland, UK & Europe
Get in touch to find out more about our daily refrigerated services providing transport and customs for consignments of soft fruit between Netherlands and Ireland…
Watch our video to see what we do…
Chilled & Frozen Logistics
Europe, UK & Ireland
Over 25 years experience
Over 400 dedicated employees, working from several European hubs, delivering operational excellence.