Irish Foodservice Sector Consignments Stronger than Ever

Foodservice is a key sector for HANNON Transport.  During the pandemic we saw the number of full loads and volume of groupage consignments drop significantly for the sector.

In 2022 to date we have seen the foodservice transport requirements rebound strongly to exceed pre-pandemic volumes.

HANNON Transport - Temperature Controlled Logistics - Ireland, UK & Europe - Foodservice Sector Ireland

Across the HANNON Group, we have also seen consignment volumes of Irish fresh produce exported to UK & Europe Foodservice Sectors reach higher than ever levels.

The recent Bord Bia 2022 Irish Foodservice Market Insights Report shows that the overall Irish foodservice industry has experienced remarkable growth in 2022.

Following a huge decline in 2020 driven by COVID-19 restrictions, the growth in 2022 to date (+61% on 2021) indicates that the Irish Foodservice Sector as a whole has nearly returned the industry to the value that it was pre-pandemic.

Bord Bia estimates from its preliminary results that the value of the Irish foodservice industry for 2022 is estimated to be €8.25 billion which is 96% of 2019, pre-pandemic market value.

Irish Foodservice returned to pre-pandemic levels

Irish Foodservice Sector 2022 Growth

Foodservice is a growing sector for HANNON Transport

Bord Bia reports that it expects 2022 to finish the year up 61.0% in value across the island of Ireland (IOI).  Its estimate is for the industry to increase by almost 12% in value in 2023.

Across the HANNON Group, we are seeing 2022 YTD consignment volumes of fresh produce destined for the Irish Foodservice Sector significantly in excess of 2019 figures.

We believe this represents real growth in the Irish Foodservice Sector for HANNON Transport rather than just recovery to pre-pandemic levels.

HANNON Transport has invested heavily in additional fleet, systems and infrastructure.

Our Infrastructure Programme has delivered 2 new transport hubs in France which have allowed us to significantly increase our offering connecting with suppliers right across Europe.

Ready access to European suppliers for Irish foodservices, distributors and wholesalers using one transport company such as HANNON that uses our own fleet and facilities which also has an in-house Customs Clearance Team provides a very attractive one-stop-shop option for Irish importers and foodservice operators.

Transport & Customs Clearance

Transport and Customs Service Combines

Investment in Fleet & Facilities

HANNON Transport - New Administration and Cross-Dock Facilities - Northern Ireland - Customs Clearance - Transport Planning - Customer Service - Compliance

HANNON Transport has Invested Heavily in our Fleet & Facilities

Fast, flexible and reliable transport of temperature-controlled goods from Europe to Ireland using HANNON Transport as a one-stop-shop for transport and customs adds to the attractiveness of our service and, we believe, is driving the growth in volumes we are handling.

In Q2 2020 we opened our transport hub in Rungis International Market.  Rungis is the largest fresh produce market in the world with millions of tonnes of fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy from suppliers throughout Europe and beyond flowing in and out every day.

In Q1 2023, we will open our new HANNON coldstores and cross-docking facility in Arras, northern France located just over 100km from Calais.   The location of our new Arras Hub is right on the motorway and close to a number of major highways such as the A-1 (Paris-Lille) and the A-26 towards Calais.

Our new Arras location will be ideal for transit to other markets such as France, Belgium, Germany, Holland and even Spain.

Fast & Reliable Logistics Links with Ireland

Fast, flexible and reliable transport of temperature-controlled goods from Europe to Ireland adds to the attractiveness of European fresh produce destined for the Irish Foodservice market.

HANNON Transport has over 25 years’ experience delivering European palletised Full Load (FTL) and Groupage Services (LTL)  for customers of all sizes.

Logistics Links to Europe's Largest Fresh Produce Markets

HANNON Transport - Temperature Controlled Logistics - Ireland, UK & Europe - Strategic Locations

Modern refrigerated transport fleet

We have invested heavily in adding to our transport fleet.  We have a modern fleet of over 500 refrigerated trailers with a further 100 on order due for delivery from Q1 2023.

Standard Temperature-Controlled Trailers – our fleet of modern standard temperature-controlled trailers can carry 26 loaded standard 1,000 x 1,200 (13 each side) or 33 loaded Euro 800 x 1,200 pallets.

Bi-Temp Dual Evaporator – with multi-compartment temperature control offering different temperature zones within one trailer so your products can be transported at different temperatures within one trailer load.

Refrigerated Semi-Trailer Meat Hanger – purpose-designed for transporting hanging meat.  Fitted with meat hook rails enable secure loading, unloading, and transport of whole carcasses and other meat products.

Get in Touch

Get in touch to find out more about any of our services.

Gavin Marsden

Our highly experienced team has a long track record of delivering innovative, reliable, and scalable transport solutions.

Full Load (FTL)
Full Load (FTL)


Collect France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Deliver Ireland (IE/ROI) or Northern Ireland (XI/NI)

We operate all over Europe.  For more schedules get in touch.

Day 1 France (FR) - Day 3 Ireland (IE/XI)

Day 1 France FR - Day 3 IE Ireland XI Northern Ireland HANNON Transport - Full Load & Groupage Services

Day 1 Netherlands (NL) - Day 3 Ireland (IE/XI)

Day 1 Netherlands NL - Day 3 IE Ireland XI Northern Ireland HANNON Transport - Full Load & Groupage Services

Day 1 Belgium (BE) - Day 3 Ireland (IE/XI)

Day 1 Belgium BE - Day 3 IE Ireland XI Northern Ireland HANNON Transport - Full Load & Groupage Services

Day 1 Spain (ES) - Day 4 Ireland (IE/XI)

Day 1 Spain ES - Day 3 IE Ireland XI Northern Ireland HANNON Transport - Full Load & Groupage Services

Day 1 Germany (DE) - Day 4 Ireland (IE/XI)

Day 1 Germany DE - Day 4 IE Ireland XI Northern Ireland HANNON Transport - Full Load & Groupage Services

Day 1 Germany (DE) - Day 4 Ireland (IE/XI)

Day 1 Switzerland CH - Day 4 IE Ireland XI Northern Ireland HANNON Transport - Full Load & Groupage Services
Groupage (LTL)
Groupage (LTL)


Collect France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Germany, Switzerland

Deliver Ireland (IE/ROI) or Northern Ireland (XI/NI)

For current Groupage schedules get in touch.

DAY1 Monday IE Ireland XI Northern Ireland - Day 4 Friday Switzerland CH HANNON Transport - Full Load & Groupage Services

More like this…

Greenhouse with fresh fruit and veg
Lorry driving between field of trees
Lorry parked in yard
Gavin Marsden
Gavin Marsden, Business Development Manager (Ireland)

Get in Touch

Get in touch to find out more about our temperature-controlled logistics services.

Watch our video to see what we do…

HANNON Transport
Temperature Controlled Logistics
Ireland, UK & Europe

Chilled & Frozen Logistics
Europe, UK & Ireland