New UK Import & Transit Requirements for EU Traders
The UK is introducing new customs and SPS requirements on all goods being imported into Britain starting 31 January 2024, as part of its new Border Target Operating Model (BTOM).
These new rules bring significant changes and new requirements for EU goods moving from:
- the EU through Great Britain to the EU
- the EU through Great Britain to Northern Ireland
- Northern Ireland through Great Britain to the EU
From 31 January 2024, food and drink from the EU will be categorised into high, medium and low risk categories under the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM).
Check your BTOM risk category:
All products of animal origin (POAO) considered medium or high risk will require a Health Certificate to be provided for transport in addition to commercial documents. All import or transit consignments of POAO must be notified to Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) on IPAFFS (Import of products, animals, food and feed system). IPAFFS notification must be done at least one working day before it is expected to arrive at the point of entry.
In order to use use IPAFFS, you must have a UK Government Gateway account.
Our Customs Clearance Team has worked with Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine to put solutions in place for HANNON customers based in Ireland.
HANNON groupage customers can either:
- arrange for a veterinary inspector (VI) to complete their own Health Certificates; or
- use the HANNON Health Certificates Service to have a Health Certificate completed at HANNON Dublin by a DAFM VI. The HANNON Health Certificates Service is currently available for Groupage ONLY. Customers with Full Load consignments should arrange for a veterinary inspector (VI) to complete their own Health Certificates. For more information contact your HANNON Account Manager.
In order to use the HANNON Health Certificates Service, customers must supply all of the relevant information (see list below) to enable the Health Certificates to be completed.
- Species
- Nature of Commodity
- Treatment
- Approval Number of Slaughterhouse
- Approval Number of Cutting Plant
- Approval Number of Manufacturing Plant
- Approval Number of Cold Store
- Number of Packages
- Net Weight
- Slaughter Dates
Customers using the HANNON Health Certificates Service will be provided with a simple template which must be used to provide the required information. A small charge (TBC) will be applied for each Health Certificate & IPAFFS Notification required.
If you would like to find out more about the new requirements for exporting groupage goods to or through GB please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Customs Clearance Team.
Movements from EU mainland to GB or transiting GB to Ireland must also be accompanied by a Health Certificate. Food Business Operators (FBO) are advised to contact their local food authority for more information about how to obtain a Health Certificate.
HANNON Transport Customs Team
Tel: +44 (0) 2894 548099
Further reading…
Food Safety Authority of Ireland – Information about exporting food to the UK
From 31 January 2024
- Export health certificates and phytosanitary certificates will be required for medium risk animal products, plants and plant products imported to Great Britain from the EU, including from Ireland.
- Prenotification of imports of SPS goods from Ireland on the UK’s SPS import system (IPAFFS) will be required.
- UK import declarations will need to be pre-lodged and food products moved from the island of Ireland will become subject to checks and controls.
- The changes apply to export goods to Great Britain or exported to other EU countries via the UK landbridge.
For information on how to apply for an Export Health Certificate, please contact your Competent Authority
- Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
- Sea Fisheries Protection Authority
- Local Authority Veterinary Service
- HSE Environmental Health Service
- HSE Export Certification Team:
Check import risk categories and related rules for animals and animal products imported from the EU to Great Britain, from 31 January 2024
The UK Target Operating Model (TOM) categorises live animals, germinal products, products of animal origin (POAO) and animal by-products (ABPs) as high risk, medium risk or low risk. Each category has different requirements.

HANNON Transport Customs Team
Tel: +44 (0) 2894 548099
If you would like to find out more about the new requirements for exporting groupage goods to or through GB please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Customs Clearance Team.