HANNON Customs Portal
The HANNON Transport Customer Customs Portal has been designed and built to allow our customers to submit consignments and supporting documentation to our Customs Clearance Team.
About the HANNON Customs Portal
The HANNON Customs Portal is available to all HANNON customers. The Customs Portal can be used to easily upload the details of your consignments together with supporting documentation.
Once submitted, your consignments move seamlessly into our customs clearance workflows of the team relevant to the route your goods will take. Our Customs Administration Team will act as the Operator Responsible for the Consignment to present such consignment to a Border Control Post in the UK or Republic of Ireland as required to allow official controls to be carried out and all necessary pre-arrival documentary checks.
Note. It is important to complete a Letter of Authority in order to allow us to continue to act on your behalf with regard to customs submissions to ensure that your goods continue to move smoothly. If you have not already done so please use the contact information on this page to get in touch with the customs team.
The portal is available to all customers availing of our combined Transport & Customs Service or our Customs Only Service.
The portal is designed to allow you to easily submit the new customs information required to accompany your Route 1, 2 & 3 consignments.
Route 1 – ROI/NI to mainland EU via GB (Transit)
Route 2 – EU (including ROI) to and from GB (EU exports and imports)
Route 3 – NI to and from GB via ROI (Transit)
To help with onboarding and training we can provide you access to the Customs Portal in test mode. You can use the Customs Portal in test mode to familiarise your staff with the system before using it for your live consignments.
We would encourage new customers to log into the Customs Portal and to submit as many test consignments as you can to familiarise yourself with how the new system works. Any data entered while in test mode will NOT create any live jobs. The test mode is purely to allow you to get to know the new system.
We have also developed a number of videos which provide a step-by-step guide on the portal processes and what supporting customs information you will need to provide.
If you are having difficulty logging onto the Customs Portal please contact CustomsTeam@hannontransport.com (Tel: +44 (0)28 94 548099) and they will be happy to help.
Much of the required customs information for goods transiting GB is usually contained within a standard commercial invoice.
You can provide your basic Commodity Item information in your Commercial Invoice, Packing List or other accompanying document.
For each product type your accompanying document MUST include the following basic information for each product:
– Full 10-Digit Commodity / HS Code of each item type (we can help you find your Commodity Codes)
– Transport Item Type (Pallets, Dolavs, Trollies)
– No. of Pallets, Europallets, Euro Trolley, etc
– Total Number of Packages
– Gross Weight (Kg)
– Net Weight (Kg)
– Item Value (EUR/GBP)
Apart from the above, we just also need you to provide the total Value, Gross Weight & Net Weight for the entire booking.
See example of basic information required to make your consignment customs ready for transiting UK.

Get in touch
Customs Team
Tel: +44 (0) 2894 548099
What is a Transit route?
A Transit movement is any movements that starts and finishes within the same jurisdiction but travels through (or transits) another jurisdiction en route. For example:
– ROI to/from mainland EU via GB; and
– NI to/from mainland EU via GB

Customs Clearance Team
To talk to us about how our Customs Clearance Service could help your business.
Hannon Transport Customs Team
Tel: +44 (0) 2894 548099