Ireland is No.1 Country of Origin for Swiss Beef Imports
Switzerland imported €200m+ of beef last year and Ireland is the number one country of origin with around a quarter (24% or €50m+) of the entire import market.

Bord Bia has been a key part of Ireland’s beef export success story. Bord Bia has consistently highlighted to the Swiss market the variety and quality of Irish beef.
Traceability of Irish beef and steps taken to enhance sustainability are also key selling points and important within the Swiss market. Lamb and dairy products have also seen similar support.
The value of imports of beef into Switzerland has increased by around +60% in little over 10 years.
In 2021, Switzerland imported over €200m of beef, or more accurately Commodity Group 0201 “Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled”.
Swiss Bovine Meat Imports +60% in 10 years.

Irish Beef is clear market leader in Switzerland
Irish products have grown to dominance within the sector. Ireland is the clear market leader with 24% market share of all beef imports into Switzerland – substantially ahead of Swiss neighbours Germany (16%) and Austria (12%).
The quality of Irish Beef is what is driving Ireland’s success story in Switzerland, but this success is physically delivered through fast, flexible and reliable logistics links with Ireland.
At HANNON Transport, we have seen both the value and volume of Irish beef consignments direct to Switzerland grow considerably in the last two to three years.
Ireland clear market leader with 24% market share.

Fast & Reliable Logistics Links with Ireland
Fast, flexible and reliable transport of temperature-controlled goods from Ireland to Switzerland adds to the attractiveness of Irish beef in the Swiss market.
HANNON Transport has over 25 years’ experience delivering European palletised Full Load (FTL) and Groupage Services (LTL) for customers of all sizes.
Fast, flexible and reliable logistics links with Ireland.

Get in Touch
Get in touch to find out more about any of our services.

Our highly experienced team has a long track record of delivering innovative, reliable, and scalable transport solutions.
Full Load (FTL)

Collect Ireland (IE/ROI) or Northern Ireland (XI/NI) Day 1.
Deliver Switzerland Day 4.

Groupage (LTL)

Collect Ireland (IE/ROI) or Northern Ireland (XI/NI) Friday.
Deliver Switzerland Monday

Our highly experienced team has a long track record of delivering innovative, reliable, and scalable transport solutions.
- The HANNON Group is one of Ireland’s leading transport and logistics providers.
- We are specialists in temperature-controlled logistics. (Chilled, Frozen & Deep-Frozen)
- Fully owned fleet and facilities offering a closed-loop service to customers.
- Total system visibility (tracking and tracing)
- All movements co-ordinated through HANNON transport planning teams in Dublin and Northern Ireland
- Highly experienced team delivering innovative, reliable, and scalable transport solutions.
The quality of Irish Beef is what is driving Ireland’s success story in Switzerland, but this success is physically delivered through fast, flexible and reliable logistics links with Ireland.
We provide temperature-controlled Dedicated (FTL) & Groupage (LTL) Services from Ireland carrying Irish Beef direct to Switzerland using our own people and fully owned fleet and facilities offering a one-stop-shop service to our customers.
Get in touch to find out more about our temperature-controlled services direct to Switzerland and other European markets.
Dedicated service for high volume consignments.
We have seen strong growth in the number of dedicated, full loads for Irish bovine meat exports of (Commodity Group 0201 “Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled”) to Switzerland. The Swiss foodservices and manufacturing sectors are significant end customers.
NOTE: A peculiarity of the Swiss market in European terms is the Swissness provenance regulations in force since 2017.
For foodstuffs, to carry the prestigious Switzerland Logo of a white cross on a red background, at least 80% of the raw materials used must come from Switzerland.
The Switzerland Logo adds value. For the Swiss foodservices and manufacturing sectors, that require supplementary beef and bovine meat, quality and traceability are a high priority. High quality, grass-fed and full traceable Irish beef fits the bill.
The quality of Irish meat combined the reliable and efficient logistics links together are driving and delivering the Irish Beef & Bovine Meat success story in Switzerland.
Our fleet of over 500 modern standard temperature-controlled trailers can carry 26 loaded standard pallets 1,000 x 1,200 (13 each side) or 33 loaded Euro pallets 800 x 1,200.
Dedicated and Full Load
Full Trailer Load (FTL). FTL is ideal for larger, high-volume consignments, for goods that need to be transported separately or when an express door-to-door service is required for fastest possible delivery.
Typical delivery schedule for Ireland Northern Ireland to Switzerland
Typical delivery schedule. Collect Ireland (IE/ROI) or Northern Ireland (XI/NI) Day 1.
Deliver Switzerland Day 4.
Groupage Service
Groupage, or Less than Trailer load, (LTL). LTL is ideal for smaller, high-value / low-volume consignments. Groupage services offer a flexible, low-cost transport option for consignments of a few pallets that would not on their own fill a truck or a trailer.
Irish beef is very popular with Swiss consumers.
We currently offer a regular, temperature-controlled Weekly Groupage Service between Ireland and Switzerland.
Current (Oct 2022) delivery schedule. Collect Ireland (IE/ROI) or Northern Ireland (XI/NI) on a Friday.
Deliver Switzerland on a Monday.
We can take consignments from as little as one pallet.

Modern refrigerated transport fleet
We have invested heavily in adding to our transport fleet. We have a modern fleet of over 500 refrigerated trailers with a further 100 on order due for delivery from Q1 2023.
Standard Temperature-Controlled Trailers – our fleet of modern standard temperature-controlled trailers can carry 26 loaded standard 1,000 x 1,200 (13 each side) or 33 loaded Euro 800 x 1,200 pallets.
Bi-Temp Dual Evaporator – with multi-compartment temperature control offering different temperature zones within one trailer so your products can be transported at different temperatures within one trailer load.
Refrigerated Semi-Trailer Meat Hanger – purpose-designed for transporting hanging meat. Fitted with meat hook rails enable secure loading, unloading, and transport of whole carcasses and other meat products.

Get in Touch
Get in touch to find out more about our temperature-controlled logistics services.