HANNON Transport – Customs Team
HANNON Transport – Customs Team
In preparation for BREXIT and the uncertainty of a deal or no-deal scenario, at HANNON, we have developed our own in-house Customs Team.
HANNON will act as customs agent in the UK and Republic of Ireland, together with our trusted mainland European customs partners, to provide customs and other related services which will allow our customers’ transport and customs service needs to be controlled by HANNON by acting as a single point of contact for our SME customers.
In preparation for BREXIT, you must be familiar with the Commodity Codes of your products as well as the EORI Numbers of the companies that you trade with in Europe and GB, and you should have a list for both in order to help minimise potential disruptions.
Our head of Legal and Customs Compliance, Donard McCann, will oversee this operation and will be on hand to answer any customs queries or issues you may have. Please fill out the enquiry form if you would like any additional information.
For more information surrounding BREXIT and how it could impact your business and its supply chain, take a look at our previous BREXIT postings. The links to which can be found HERE.