Irish beef is big in Switzerland Switzerland imported €200m+ of beef last year and Ireland is the leading country of origin with around a quarter (24% or €50m+) of the entire market. The...
Irish Beef Exports Surge in Switzerland Ireland's beef sector is highly export driven and experiencing a rise in demand. Data from Board Bia highlights that Irish meat and livestock sector is Ireland's second largest...
Irish Foodservice Sector Consignments Stronger than Ever Foodservice is a key sector for HANNON Transport. During the pandemic we saw the number of full loads and volume of groupage consignments drop significantly for...
Ireland is No.1 Country of Origin for Swiss Beef Imports Switzerland imported €200m+ of beef last year and Ireland is the number one country of origin with around a quarter (24% or €50m+)...
Irish Meat Exports to Switzerland Up as Foodservice Sector Reopens Across the World, foodservices has been one of the sectors hit hardest with the COVID pandemic. However, we are now seeing volumes of...